Lynley Aldridge

Lynley Aldridge


I am a PhD qualified social scientist, with a background in psychology and sociology. I love data analysis, visualization and interpretation, and have rich experience collecting, managing, analysing and reporting on both quantitative and qualitative data across a diverse range of research and evaluation projects (primarily in the fields of psycho-oncology and education). I am passionate about the use of data to inform policy and practice. I call myself an Antipodean, identifying as equal parts Kiwi (New Zealander) and Aussie (Australian).


  • Social and educational inequality
  • Youth transitions
  • Education
  • Cross-cultural comparative research
  • Migration/mobility
  • Mental health and well-being
  • Rstats


  • PhD Sociology and Social Policy, 2017

    University of Leeds, UK

  • MA Sociological Research, 2011

    University of Essex, UK

  • BPsych (Hons), 2003

    Charles Sturt University, Australia

  • Grad Dip Japanese, 1997

    Hiroshima University, Japan

  • B Japanese, 1996

    Wollongong University, Australia

Recent Posts


Analysing educational data using R: Work in progress

Analysing educational data using R: Work in progress

I am currently working on several projects in R using the Longitudinal Surveys of Australian Youth (LSAY) and Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) data, plus various data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics, to build my to build my skills and experience using R to visualize, analyse and report on educational data

The overseas working holiday and graduate employment trajectories: A cross-cultural comparison

The overseas working holiday and graduate employment trajectories: A cross-cultural comparison

My PhD dissertation explored how experiences of work and travel overseas were positioned by graduates and employers within two different country contexts, Britain and Japan.

Conceptualisation, assessment and interventions to alleviate suffering in the cancer context: A systematic literature review

In 2012 I project managed and contributed heavily to the preparation of a systematic literature review on the conceptualisation, assessment, and management of suffering across all types of cancer.
